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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.


How exciting to see when project planning becomes reality! – Our team at the construction site Traviatagasse (1230 Vienna).

AllesWirdGut came out winning, together with project developer ÖVW, in a two-stage planning competition and was awarded the contract for the construction of 200 apartments and a kindergarten. A special focus was placed on connecting the new housing estate with the surrounding neighborhood and on community and communication facilities for future residents from all generations.


the reinterpreted 'shared space' in our competition Mesterkamp in Hamburg (GER) with Club L94 landscape architects.

According to the original idea of ​​the Mesterkamp, ​​the planning area is proposed as a promenade. A connecting line from the Biedermann Park to the Barmbek market, so that not only the residents of that area but also other passers-by can revive this zone. It lies between a garden area in the west and an urban part to the east, marking a transition between these very different areas.


Competition design for the residential building W11 in Freiham (with DnD) as an identity-creating residence with fine-tuned façade arrangement.

In the tradition of classic Munich residential buildings of the first half of the twentieth century simple, yet high-quality resources are used in this design. The overall composition is characterized by simple restraint and offers neutral space for a wide range of users and residents.


With our competition project CEL - Infraserv Höchst in Frankfurt (GER), we won a recognition prize together with HERTL.Architekten.

The three cornerstones administration, research, and pilot plant, which Celanese unites at Höchst, become visible in three houses. The height development remains integrated within the framework of the surrounding building development. Still the office building stands out clearly beyond this which points to its importance in the industrial park.

24.05.17 | NATURE WINS

Our vision for the IBM Campus Vaihingen, Stuttgart understands nature as an everlasting constant and the existing building as a foundation for future developments on site.

Egon Eiermann's buildings for the IBM headquarters is based on the idea of ​​a network. All pavilions are connected to each other to facilitate exchange. The underlying idea of ​​a structure that can grow is forward-looking. In order to do justice to this, the Eiermann buildings are not exhibited as a museum piece, but are continued in the spirit of the original idea.


We marvel at the progress of the FMO – Funke Media Office construction site in Essen (D).

We were commissioned to build the corporate HQ of the international FUNKE Media Group at their corporate home base in Essen. A longitudinal volume provides the backbone of the urban development site called “Grüne Mitte”. Three annexes extending from it point like fingers to the outdoor spaces of the adjacent residential estates. The endpoint of the urban ensemble is the FUNKE Media Tower.


We are pleased about the won competition for a high-rise building on the site of the former Bruckner University in Linz (AT) together with hertl Architekten.

The high-rise in the north of the city of Linz brings lively and diversified facilities for living, working, and education to the urban fabric. This new neighborhood building block is part of a consistent urban-design ensemble and helps create a varied and livable cityscape.


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Just in time for our 20th anniversary, we now present our new booklet, which shows the completions of the last 5 years and ongoing projects of our office.