ZWICollective Housing – 118 units

  • Status:
  • Typology:
  • Location:Vienna (AT)
  • GBA:12.400 m²
  • Year:2010-12
  • PS:AT 1–5, 7

ZWI Collective Housing 118 units

Sustainably Social

Aside from high energy efficiency, much attention is given to flexibility, short-term and long-term. Short-term here means that different apartment types and sizes can be variably distributed across floor levels. There is no standard floor plan. Long-term flexibility means reducing construction and fixtures to a minimum. Load-bearing exterior walls and shifting partitions in the center around the elevator shaft. Apart from different apartment types, a complete conversion, also of individual floors, is conceivable and feasible with simple means. Sustainability expanded – beyond energy efficiency.

Client: wvg
Direct Commission: 01.2008
GBA: 12.415 m²

Planning: AllesWirdGut
Project Stages: 15, 7
Team: Martin Brandt, Anja Bahls, Johann Wittenberger

Photos: Hertha Hurnaus

Structural Engineering: Arge DI Tötzel
Building services: BPS - Engineering
Structural Physic: IBO GmbH