FW2Residential Buildings Freiham

  • Status:Competition
  • Typology:HOU
  • Location:Munich (DE)
  • GBA:28.800 m²
  • Year:2017-12
  • PS:1

FW2 – Residential buildings WA16 + WA18 in Freiham Development, Munich

Living Inclusion

In late 2017, AllesWirdGut Architects won a first prize in an architectural design competition for building lots WA16 + WA 18 in the new urban quarter of Freiham-Nord currently under development in Munich. The project for developer Stadibau comprises residential buildings of about 200-units, an integrated daycare facility for children, and a smaller commercial facility.

The winning design presents seven buildings of one type, informed by Freiham’s guiding idea of promoting inclusion. Affording life participation to all people, irrespective of age, gender, or background, is central to the concept. Providing access through a shared urban foyer encourages encounter and interaction between residents without forcing it, strengthening their sense of community. With only seven stairwells for more than two hundred units, each apartment, faced south or to the courtyard, is optimized with respect to lighting and orientation.

Different apartment sizes within one house provide for social diversity among residents. In addition, barrier-free floor plans benefit a broad range of people like families or the elderly and facilitate prolonged usability.

Each building is given individual character through color variation of the grooved plasterwork facades. The facades show the classic structure of the historical Munich plasterwork buildings and are vertically divided into plinth zone, midsection, and attic. Different color nuances of the facades on the one hand accentuate the independent character of the building and on the other establish a built ensemble and thus define a residential quarter.

Client: Stadibau
Competition: 12.2017 – 1st prize
GBA: 28,800 m²

Architecture: AllesWirdGut
Competition team: Christopher Palm, Felix Reiner, Vadim Giorghiu
Landscaping: Toponauten

Visualization: expressiv
Model: mattweiss