WOOWoosung Residential Complex

  • Status:Competition
  • Typology:HOU, MIX, URB
  • Location:Seoul (KOR)
  • GBA:460.000 m²
  • Year:2017-07
  • PS:1

WOO ­– Woosung Residential Complex, Seoul (KOR)

17 High-Rises for Seoul

For an invited architectural competition, AllesWirdGut developed a design for a 3,000-unit residential quarter in the South-Korean capital city of Seoul. The proposal for the 120,000 m² area situated in a privileged waterside location is for a development of 17 high-rise buildings on amorphously shaped plinths, which combines high densification and urbanity with a strong identity-generating character and maximum amenity quality.

Urban-design-wise, the area connects with its surroundings through an inner boulevard. Ramifying from this artery, an intricate network of circulation routes unfolds, along which the individual built volumes are lined up. High horizontal permeability makes sure that there are no back sides to buildings. Numerous functions in the plinth-level areas that attract people provide for a vital urban atmosphere.

Architecturally, the new urban-design ensemble adds up to a landmark silhouette that defines the local cityscape. While, in the plinth area, wraparound concrete parapets protect balconies, loggias and adjoining residential rooms from view, these massive strips become narrower the higher the building gets until they virtually dissolve and turn into transparent glass parapets.

Flexible standard floor plans would, in the detail planning, also allow for smaller calibration and a more diverse mix of residential units—a potential that could be used to broaden the demographic mix.

Architectural design: AllesWirdGut
Planning partner offices: Hankil-Architekten, Seoul and BAEK-Architekten, Berlin
Client: Woosung Residential Complex Redevelopment Corporation
Competition: July 2017
GBA: 460,000 m²

Team: Daniel Pannacci, Felix Reiner, Marko Acimovic, Ladislav Farkas, Johannes Schaller, Teresa Ricardo, Tobias Mandl

Energy concept: Transsolar, Munich
Landscape planning: Loidl Landschaftsarchitektur, Berlin

Illustrations: AllesWirdGut + Loidl Landschaftsarchitektur
Visualization: expressiv